One common theme was the general design of work zones and the implementation of safety devices. You could see many of these devices around the show but how to use them is still unknown to many. One item in particular I was asked about was our roll up sign. People had heard about them, but weren’t sure how or when they should be used.
If you are digging up a road, and rebuilding it over the next five months, it's probably not the right use for it. On the other hand, if you are going out to do utility work or other quicker repairs like patching potholes or crack sealing, they might be the perfect advance warning sign for you. All too often these quicker, shorter term jobs lack proper advance warning signs because you are only on site for a few hours, or the job is progressing down the road and they just drop a few cones. It doesn’t make sense to install a post and put up a sign, but you can deploy a roll up sign and stand in a matter of a couple minutes, and provide perfect advanced warning.